* Arboriculture 樹藝學
-- diseases and pests of trees, tree risk assessment & management
* Biodiversity & Ecology 生物多樣性及生態學
-- especially the freshwater ecosystem
* Mycology 真菌學
-- fungal taxonomy, general fungal biology, developmental studies
* Organic Farming 有機農作學
-- Integrated pest management
* Plant Pathology 植物病理學
-- diagnosis and control of plant diseases
* Plant Taxonomy 植物分類學
-- plant identification & classification
2012 – 2014: Diversity studies of fungi from disused tin-mining ponds and
associated streams of Malaysia
2007 – 2008: An ecological study of endophytic fungi and their role in senescence in
Kandelia candel, a dominant mangrove tree species in Hong Kong
1996 – 2003: Ecology and biodiversity of freshwater fungi
1999 – 2001: Project-based Mentoring Scheme as an innovative pedagogical
approach to Mycology
1998 – 2001: Biodiversity, ecology and taxonomy of saprobic fungi on palm fronds
1997 – 2000: Diversity, host preference, and vertical distribution of saprobic fungi
on grasses and sedges in Hong Kong
1996 – 1999: Molecular studies of the Helminthosporium-complex
1994: Effects of trisodium phosphate on microbial populations of
fishery products during refrigerated storage
1994: Fungi on the mangrove Aegiceras corniculatum in Hong Kong.
1993: Biological control of Mikania weed by plant pathogenic fungi
1989 –1992: Ascomal development and ascosporogenesis in Melanospora zamiae
1987 –1989: A monograph of the genus Cercospora and similar fungi from Taiwan